Current Conditions

UVU is operating under MODIFIED conditions

华为云 梯子

(most recent posts appear at the top)

华为云 梯子

华为云 梯子

On August 3, 2023, all offices on campus will officially reopen. Doors will be open to our students as they prepare for the beginning of fall semester on the 24th.

We are excited to start another academic year, but we recognize that fall 2023 is unlike any other semester in the history of our university. The pandemic creates the need for new rules for travel and new guidelines for employees and leadership. In this email, please review the documents, expectations, and assistance available to you.

Our primary goal is to ensure employee safety and well-being while continuing to offer a high-quality educational experience that promotes student success and transforms lives. 

The transition from remote to in-office work will depend on the activities and functions occurring on campus, the duties and tasks performed by each employee, and the need to have a staff presence for student, faculty, staff, and visitor support. As our students return to campus this fall, it is critical that the college and departmental offices that engage with students and visitors are staffed during regular business office hours. The best way to do that is at the respective area’s discretion, following the guidelines below. 

As employees continue returning to campus, we expect supervisors to complete the Pre-Return Checklist below for employees that do not already have a Temporary Remote Work Agreement that extends past August 3. We have also enclosed a checklist to complete as employees return to campus and a checklist to complete after employees return. For convenience, we make reference to a Staff Planning Tool, which links to an Excel document that corresponds with the checklists. 

Pre-Return Checklist

  • Using the 自由門ios版, determine the required work responsibilities and tasks in your department, division, college, or area to ensure employee and student success. Determine the number of employees required to be on campus to perform this work. Identify individual employees whose job responsibilities require them to be primarily on campus. Limiting the number of people on campus reduces potential exposure. 

  • To help ensure flexibility and social distancing, adjust work schedules — including how and when employees report to work. (For example, implement staggered arrival and departure times, create A and B teams so the entire workforce is not in the office on the same days, etc.). 

  • Continue to encourage and allow remote work as much as possible. Supervisors have the authority to approve remote work or alternative work schedules throughout the end of the calendar year when an employee has completed a Temporary Remote Work Agreement that extends past August 3. 

  • Make adjustments as appropriate for employees who are members of a high-risk population or live with a high-risk individual. Temporary Remote Work Agreements and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations are available. Do not attempt to identify and target high-risk category employees but communicate adjustment and accommodation options to all employees. Work duties and tasks may be temporarily adjusted if a Temporary Remote Work Agreement and/or ADA accommodations are approved. 

  • Consider your area’s workspace, workflow, and work priorities. Determine whether you have adequate spacing to maintain social distancing or if adjustments can be made to allow for social distancing. 

  • Order appropriate PPE and sanitation supplies (hand sanitizer, disinfectant, face coverings, etc.) through the UVU Warehouse using Wolverine Marketplace. 

  • Review return-to-campus guidelines on the Return to Campus website. 

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Checklist as Employees Return to Campus 

Note: Custodial resources will be allocated to prioritize cleaning classroom environments. Departments should not contact Facilities to request additional services. Cleaning schedules for non-classroom environments have already been increased and can be viewed on the Custodial Services webpage. 

  • Ensure that you have sufficient signage to direct traffic flow and to communicate that face coverings and social distancing are required. Signage is available on the Return to Campus website. 

  • Communicate the return-to-campus plan to your department and employees, giving as much advance notice as possible.
  • Remind employees to return all university technology equipment and materials they need to resume work on campus. 


  • Emphasize the requirement of face coverings, physical distancing, handwashing, staying home when ill, and other safety considerations. 

  • Encourage employees to practice hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and rigorous sanitation. 

  • Minimize in-person meetings; utilizing Microsoft Teams for meetings even when employees are working on campus. When needed, keep in-person meetings to no more than 10 people maintaining social distancing. 

  • Discourage employees from sharing other employees’ desks or equipment. When sharing is unavoidable, encourage employees to wipe down desks and equipment between uses. Sanitize shared equipment before and after each use.

  • Remind employees to self-screen daily, including taking their temperature before leaving home and staying home if they exhibit any symptoms. 

  • If an employee shows COVID-19 symptoms, they must leave work immediately and contact their healthcare provider for further guidance. They may need to complete the COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form for Illness or Exposure. 

  • Refer to the Employee and Supervisor Guidance documents if an employee shows symptoms or has a confirmed case of COVID-19. 

  • Refer employees to the Employee Assistance Program if needed. Please see the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) webpage for additional resources available related to COVID-19. 

  • Be compassionate and flexible. Check in with employees often to discuss their challenges, concerns, and questions. Contact Human Resources at (801) 863-8207 for additional assistance. 

Travel Update 

Travel increases the risks of coronavirus exposure for your family, friends, community, and you. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a global level-3 warning to 自由門ios版 and continues to discourage domestic travel. The state has also issued 腾讯自由幻想游戏苹果版下载|自由幻想ios版下载_飞翔下载:2021年7月3日 - 自由幻想ios版手游正式上线了,这款游戏是由腾讯推出的幻想类游戏,这款游戏传承了QQ自由幻想端游的玩法,在游戏中有非常全面的社交玩法,另外自由幻想中还有各种. 

Acknowledging the risks and recommendations and to preserve the health of our UVU community, the following travel restrictions are extended through the end of the calendar year, effective immediately. 

All nonessential university-related travel, whether in state, out of state, or international, through December 31, 2023, must be cancelled. All UVU-sponsored Study Abroad programs (credit or non-credit bearing) and any other UVU-sponsored international student travel must also be cancelled through December 31, 2023. 

As an exception to the above travel restriction, travel considered business essential for the university must be approved by the divisional vice president prior to making travel arrangements. Additionally, until further notice, all future airfare must be purchased through Concur or the State Travel Office. 

We continue to encourage you, when considering your personal travel choices, to follow travel advisories issued by the CDC and local and state authorities. If you plan to travel for personal reasons or recently traveled out of the state (domestic or international), you MUST fill out UVU's turbo ios版_free ssr:2021年12月3日 - Turbo VPN是一个很好的工具,可伍让你自由地上网和免费上网... 附加要求 需要iOS 8.0或更高版本。与iPhone,iPad和iPod touch兼容. Turbo....

Please follow these guidelines: 

  • Travel within the state is discouraged. Use internet video conferencing (Microsoft Teams is preferred) as much as possible to facilitate these meetings.

  • Deans and vice presidents will review plans for bringing visiting scholars, speakers, and consultants to campus, and postpone anything not essential to the core mission of teaching and learning. 

  • All employees and students must complete the Self-Reporting Travel Questionnaire before returning to campus to document planned and recent out-of-state travel, whether it is personal or university-related. Travelers may be asked to self-isolate for 14 days. 

  • For job interviews, supervisors should discuss options for avoiding travel for the benefit of all parties. 

  • The International Travel Oversight Committee and Global Engagement will continue to stay in contact with any students who may be studying abroad and will continue to review these situations on a case-by-case basis. 

Recent travelers to CDC level-3 countries: If you are returning from a country for which the CDC has issued a level-3 travel warning, you MUST self-isolate for 14 days upon returning home. Students, please contact the Dean of Students. Faculty and staff, please contact Human Resources. 

Recent travelers to CDC level-2 countries: Those returning from a country with a CDC level-2 travel warning, watch for symptoms and practice social distancing for 14 days. If symptoms arise, please contact your medical provider. 

Domestic travelers who have had close contact with anyone on the trip who has tested positive for COVID-19 should disclose the exposure, practice social distancing, and contact your medical provider if you become symptomatic. 

Additional travel guidelines 

Following December 31, 2023, all travel is still required to be mission-critical AND approved by an executive. Please read the Temporary Travel Request Guidelines for additional details and answers to your questions regarding these new guidelines. Please contact the UVU Travel Office at or ext. 8965 with any questions. 

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With sincere thanks, 

Wayne Vaught
Vice President of Academic Affairs


Val Peterson
Vice President of Finance and Administration 

Marilyn Meyer
Associate Vice President of Human Resources
Chief Human Resource Officer

Thursday, July 9, 2023

Required Face Coverings for UVU Students and the Student Code

Students at Utah Valley University are members of a community committed to maintaining a healthy and safe campus. While enrolled at UVU, students must follow the Student Code of Conduct, UVU Policy 541, and other policies. The Student Code supports the intellectual, personal, social, and ethical development of all community members by promoting the values of civility, integrity, inclusion, respect, and responsibility. The Student Code also establishes the conduct expectations for students of UVU and outlines students’ rights and due process procedures for addressing alleged student violations of university policies.

To ensure everyone’s safe return for fall semester, we want to remind students of their responsibility to uphold the safety precautions outlined 自由門ios版. Guidance from federal, state, and local health authorities indicates that wearing face coverings (e.g., masks, scarves, gaiters, bandanas, visors) significantly reduces the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, students are required to wear face coverings inside university buildings, in common areas, including classrooms, while also maintaining a six-foot physical distance. Students must wear facial coverings outside when maintaining a six-foot distance is not possible outside. Face coverings must cover both the nose and the mouth. Students who cannot feasibly wear a mask due to a disability, phobia, or other reasons should contact the Office of Accessibility Services — that office will determine appropriate accommodations as needed. Additionally, face coverings are not required for individuals eating or drinking and maintaining a physical distance of at least six feet from any other individual who is not from the same household or residence.

Students who disregard the requirement to wear face coverings may be in violation of the Student Code for endangering the health or safety of others (See Student Code section and may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. Faculty and staff are encouraged first to discuss concerns with the student involved; however, when appropriate, they may refer a student to the Office of Student Conduct at 801-863-8952 or 自由門ios版. University community members may also submit an online report via a reporting link.

Our university is committed to providing balanced and fair systems of resolution, and we encourage an education-based, informal resolution process, which includes conversations to deepen understanding about community responsibility. Repeated violations of the Student Code may be subject to progressive sanctions, including written warning, probation, and suspension from the university. Please refer to the Student Code for more information on expectations of student conduct.

Required Face Coverings for UVU Employees

As faculty, staff, and students return to campus, we ask everyone in the UVU community to exercise the utmost caution to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Maintaining health and safety on campus is a shared responsibility. To protect the campus community and prevent an outbreak of COVID-19, certain safety procedures are being implemented. Based on CDC guidelines, UVU is requiring everyone to wear a face covering in shared public spaces on campus, including our classrooms. To help make this possible, the university has provided a face covering for each faculty and staff member. Masks have also been ordered for students.

It is important to recognize that the primary purpose of wearing a face covering is to prevent the spread of the disease by those with the virus — when you wear a face covering, you protect those around you. When others wear a face covering, they protect you. Together, we protect our community. 

Face coverings (e.g., masks, scarves, gaiters, bandanas) are required inside university buildings. They are also required outside when maintaining a 6-foot physical distance is not possible. Face coverings must cover both the nose and the mouth.

The following guidelines are intended to minimize ambiguity and promote consistency across campus in complying with face-covering requirements:

· All employees of the university are required to wear a face covering while working on campus as a condition of their employment. Employees who disregard the requirement to wear a face covering may be in violation of UVU policy and state and federal law or regulation and subject to corrective action.

· Face coverings are required in all shared public spaces such as hallways, restrooms, study and breakroom areas, classrooms, conference rooms, etc., and when maintaining a 6-foot distance is not possible outside.

· Employees working in an open office environment (e.g., cubicles), where multiple individuals may be in close proximity to one another for extended periods of time, must each wear a face covering while others are present.

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- The sole occupant of a fully enclosed room or office;

- The sole occupant of a partially enclosed room, office, or similar space, including a cubicle, that is enclosed on at least three sides by walls or other physical barriers or dividers at a height that reaches no lower than the top of the employee’s head when the employee is seated; or

- Seated or stationary and maintains a physical distance of at least six feet from any other individual.

· Face coverings are not required outside of buildings if 6-foot physical distancing is maintained.

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· Face coverings are not required for individuals eating or drinking and maintaining a physical distance of at least six feet from any other individual who is not from the same household or residence.

· In certain cases, the use of a face covering is not advised. These cases should be addressed on a case-by-case basis with the employee’s supervisor and, if necessary, with the employee accommodations coordinator in Human Resources. Such cases include:

- Individuals with a medical condition for whom wearing a face covering could cause harm or obstruct breathing.

- Individuals with hearing impairment or communicating with an individual who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.

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We are all anxious for everyday living to return to normal, but we must recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic may be with us for some time. We are thoughtfully modifying how we teach, interact with, and serve one another. We are diligently monitoring national, state, and local health reports and guidelines. We are working with the other institutions of higher education to develop best practices, and we are implementing safety measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. We are motivated by an overriding desire to protect the health and well-being of our Wolverine community while continuing to deliver an exceptional educational experience.

Thank you for your patience, perseverance, and adaptability as we navigate this unusual time and evolving needs.


Vice President of Academic Affairs

Val Peterson
Vice President of Finance and Administration

华为云 梯子

UVU Commencement 2023 Update

Utah Valley University will celebrate the Class of 2023 with a historic graduation event that combines innovative and engaging celebratory elements with the traditions of the university’s ceremonial commencement while still adhering to social distancing guidelines. The unique August 19 festivities will allow for appropriate COVID-19 health and safety precautions and open up new opportunities for celebrating UVU’s largest graduating class. 

“The goal is to honor the graduates of 2023 with a celebration that is worthy of the grit and determination that they have exhibited to arrive at this moment of achievement,” said President Astrid S. Tuminez. “The COVID-19 pandemic has limited our ability to gather in traditional ways, but it hasn’t changed our desire to recognize these remarkable students. We are excited to provide a safe, creative, high-energy commencement, unlike any other in the state.”

The event will begin at 5 p.m. as graduates, their families, and friends are invited to the graduates’ respective college or school’s unique “drive-thru” convocation. The format will highlight each student with the graduates’ names individually announced as they move to the curb in front of a UVU backdrop to receive a diploma cover from their respective college or school dean. The convocations will occur simultaneously by college and school in multiple parking lots across the UVU campus. 

Immediately following the “drive-thru” convocation, there will be a “drive-in” commencement celebration where graduates and guests will enjoy the festivities from the comfort of their vehicles — decorated to show Wolverine spirit. The unique commencement event will begin with pre-show entertainment, as well as a historic UVU flyover featuring the university’s renowned aviation team. The pre-show will also be streamed from a main outdoor stage to multiple large LED movie screens and heard on a dedicated FM radio station.

The commencement program will feature the traditional bagpipe music from the Payson High School Pipe and Drum and culminate with an inspiring keynote address by Gail Miller, owner and chairwoman of the Board of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies. The festivities will end with fireworks. Other exciting details will be announced in the coming weeks. 

Graduates will also have several photo opportunities at numerous locations on campus throughout the evening. 

All graduates desiring to participate in these celebrations are required to register. The free and simple registration can be done online at before August 1, 2023. If a graduate has already registered for the August ceremonies, they do not need to register again. 

Caps and gowns are available for purchase at Jostens through July 27 and during Grad Fest on August 4-5 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Grad Fest is your one-stop grad shop for all graduation regalia (cap, gown, tassel, etc.) and memorabilia (announcements, diploma frames, zipper pulls, apparel, and more from the UVU Bookstore & Alumni). All graduates desiring to attend Grad Fest must sign up for a time slot at 自由門ios版. 

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Additional details and plans about this special edition of Utah Valley University commencement and convocations will be made available to students through the Graduation Office and at

Friday, June 26, 2023

UVU and the Governor's Executive Order on Masks


On Thursday, June 25, 2023, Governor Gary Herbert signed an 自由門ios版 that requires face coverings at all state facilities under his office's purview, including state higher educational facilities. 

Per this executive order, the wearing of masks while in public spaces at Utah Valley University is required. It is not necessary to wear a mask when alone in an office or space. Remember, this mandate protects those around you. To protect each other, we must ALL wear face coverings. We understand there are situations when a student cannot feasibly wear a mask due to a disability, phobia, or other reasons. These cases should be referred to the Office of Accessibility Services, and that office will determine if an accommodation is needed. Employees who cannot wear a face covering may contact Human Resources. 

In conjunction with the governor's mandate, we also ask that you continue to follow other health and safety guidelines, including: 

  • If you are ill, please stay home: If you become ill with respiratory symptoms (even if they seem to be minor) such as a cough, fever, shortness of breath, body aches, etc., you need to stay home and are expected to contact your supervisor. Please check for symptoms each day before coming to campus.

  • Practice social distancing: To the extent possible, social distancing, with a distance of at least six feet from the next person, will continue. This means meetings should continue via Microsoft Teams or in large spaces that allow appropriate social distancing. 

  • 自由門ios版: Continue to follow hygiene standards, including washing your hands with soap and water frequently, avoiding touching your face, and covering coughs or sneezes. 

  • Do not congregate: For your health and the safety of others, do not gather in break rooms or other small spaces for breaks or lunch. Utilize the many large areas available on UVU campuses where you and others can safely practice social distancing. 

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Wayne Vaught
Vice President of Academic Affairs 

Val Peterson
Vice President of Finance and Administration 

Wednesday, June 24, 2023

华为云 梯子

To Our UVU Community, 

As we continue to monitor the evolving situation created by COVID-19, we want to let you know that we are modifying some of the dates related to travel, events, and our return to campus. With the increase of cases both statewide and in Utah County, and out of an abundance of caution, we are making the following adjustments: 

Employees scheduled to return to campus on July 6 will continue to work remotely until August 3, 2023. 

Employees who have already returned to campus may have a conversation with their supervisor to see if there is flexibility with their individual position to include full or partial remote work. Supervisors have full authority to approve employee requests to work remotely and are encouraged to be accommodating when possible. If you have not already completed a Temporary Remote Work Agreement that extends past August 3 and you plan to continue working from home, a new agreement must be completed. For our employees who would like to come back to campus before August 3, please talk with your supervisor about returning early and maintaining social distancing and health guidelines. Your supervisor is the best resource to discuss any questions or concerns regarding your work situation. For more information about what to expect when returning to work on campus, and training for both supervisors and employees, visit the Return to Campus webpage. 

All university-sponsored events, conferences, large gatherings, and on-campus events are now cancelled until August 3, 2023. 

Per Utah guidelines and recommendations of local health authorities, on-campus events are cancelled throughout the summer semester. Pre-designated face-to-face second block courses will continue as scheduled. 

Commencement 2023 will also occur under modified conditions on August 19. More information regarding celebration plans for UVU graduates will be released later this week. 

All non-essential university-related travel, whether in state, out of state, or international, through August 3, 2023, should be cancelled. 

All UVU-sponsored study abroad programs (credit- or non-credit bearing) and any other UVU-sponsored student, faculty, and staff travel must also be cancelled through August 3. Due to the increasing number of COVID cases in the state, all in-state travel considered business essential for the university must be approved by the divisional vice president. If travel involves the participation of students, it will also need Provost Wayne Vaught’s approval. For updated information on travel restrictions, visit the Travel FAQ. Additionally, until further notice, all future airfare must be purchased through Concur or the State Travel Office. 

Please communicate with your supervisors if you have questions regarding the extension of these dates or any other concerns. 

The health of our Utah Valley University community remains our number one priority as we continue to work together diligently to meet the needs and expectations of our students. Thank you for your flexibility, resilience, and dedication during these unusual circumstances. 


Wayne Vaught
Vice President of Academic Affairs 

Val Peterson
Vice President of Finance and Administration

Friday, June 19, 2023


On June 17, 2023, President Astrid S. Tuminez invited UVU employees to digitally join her for a “Talk with Tuminez” Town Hall meeting. The full meeting is embedded below, along with clips for easier navigation.

Full video: 


Finance & Administration:

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